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Relevance of the stakeholder network
in the context of the "Stronger" Project

The main objective of the “Stronger” Project is to contribute to the improvement of organizations that support young citizens in their professional development journey, promoting the creation of an integrated local multi-stakeholder ecosystem that addresses the common challenges of continuous career guidance.

To achieve this objective, the following specific goals have been defined:

Build permanent, multi-stakeholder guidance ecosystems at the regional and local levels.
Strengthen the skills of the actors involved in multi-stakeholder cooperation and in the creation of integrated local permanent guidance ecosystems.
Encourage the engagement of other territories in cooperation and collaboration among actors, with a focus on multi-stakeholder ecosystems.
Raise awareness among young citizens and organizations that support professional integration.
Improve career guidance services, adapting them to the needs of young citizens and supporting the construction of their socio-professional path.

In the current phase of the Project, the groups of stakeholders involved by the partners at the territorial level have been identified.

To provide a clearer view of the involved stakeholder groups, an interactive chart has been published online that allows for the identification of actors belonging to both the political e operational areas, involved at the territorial level for each of the project’s partnership areas.