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Meet the partners!


Created in accordance with the French law from 1901, which informs the structuring and regulation of French non-profit associations, in 2002 AGIS, NOTE et INNOVE (ANI International) was founded by international Science-Po Students as a nonprofit association goal-oriented towards the education of citizenship and social inclusion, the promotion of diversity and interculturality, the affirmation of all citizen’s own identities, for the socio professional integration and for international cooperation and solidarity. It’s our mission to mobilize and support young citizens from different backgrounds; especially those from underprivileged urban areas (classified as “under priority territories” by the French Urban Affairs Ministry), and to support and work with other minorities groups, especially with women, migrants, and habitants of other social districts in Paris, France, Europe and in Africa.


REDIAL is an innovative and forward-thinking voluntary and community sector organisation working in the field of social inclusion based in Dublin and working within different communities in Ireland. REDIAL’s vision is to create inclusive learning communities which empower learners from every background to develop skills, overcome barriers to inclusion, and realise their potential.

Staff members have experience of running volunteer mentoring programmes supporting members of the community including ethnic minorities, isolated individuals, people with mental health issues, and ex-offenders to develop their skills and competence in employment and self-employment. Our team has developed and led a variety of programmes supporting excluded individuals to reach their potential in the labour market.


Fondazione Idis-Città della Scienza is a non-profit institution born in 1987. Its mission is to enhance scientific culture and innovation for the economic and social development of the region, in Italy and Europe. Fondazione Idis has established in 2001 Città della Scienza, a scientific pole located in the western area of Naples with the aim to increase scientific citizenship among people of all age, to improve social and cultural background and to promote innovation processes for the development of the region. Currently the science centre of Città della Scienza includes Corporea, a thematic building dedicated to the human body and health sciences, temporary exhibitions, a dome that hosts the largest 3D Planetarium in Italy.


ICEP s.r.o. is the Institute of European Certification of Personnel. Our mission is to certify the verifiable formal and non-formal competences of professionals and individuals, through a set of standardised requirements, procedures and quality assurance measures, in accordance with International Standards. Our vision is to contribute to the establishment and expansion of a solid international certification system in the job sector and in volunteering, through the provable qualification of professionals and individuals. Certification requirements are included in a tailored Certification Scheme, designed and produced to adhere to International Standards defining a specific professional profile or competence area.


Femxa Formación SLU is a training company specialized in training for employment, aimed at companies, public administration, consulting, professional offices, training centers and individuals. Its goal is to increase the competitiveness of organizations, employability, and professional qualification of people. Femxa participates in all the processes involved in the teaching-learning process, from the analysis of the training needs of an entity, organization or public administration, to the design of the training plan that provides the specific solutions to these needs, through the development of materials and didactic means, the selection of teaching experts or advisors in the teaching process, the delivery of training activities both in training activities, in any type of teaching.


Established in 1993, in the centre of the Cité des sciences et de l’industrie, with the support of the Ministry of Labour and Professional Training, the Cité des Métiers is a space for advice and resource materials, jointly run by partners specialising in career advice, training, employment, appraisal and creation of activities, who pool their resources to provide the best career advice, integration and professional development for individuals. Currently, there are 30 similar places which have obtained the “Cité des métiers” label in 9 countries: France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Canada, Chile, Mauritius and Belgium.


Since 1992 the University of Naples has been named after Frederick II, to underline its very ancient origins, dating back to 5 June 1224, when the Swabian emperor, as well as king of Sicily, issued the founding edict from Syracuse. Unlike in Bologna and other cities, the Neapolitan Studio was born with an imperial act, aimed at forming the leading groups necessary for the government of the State. This secular origin, however, would not have prevented heavy interference by the Church in its cultural life.