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Project STRONGER was promoted by ICEP on EPALE

One of the project partner ICEP from Slovakia presented and promoted the project STRONGER on EPALE · E-learning platform for adult learning in Europe.
EPALE is an open European, multilingual, open membership community of adult learning professionals, including adult educators and trainers, guidance and support staff, researchers and academics, and policymakers. This platform is funded by the Erasmus+ programme. It is part of the European Union’s strategy to promote more and better learning opportunities for all adults. EPALE does this by supporting and strengthening the adult learning professions. It enables members to connect with and learn from colleagues across Europe, through its blog posts, forums, the Partner Search tool, complemented with physical gatherings. EPALE provides a wealth of high-quality, accurate information relevant for adult learning practitioners. Over time, more and more of this content should be provided by members themselves.